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First role of a fight club

First role of a fight club

Image by Valentin Tikhonov from Pixabay

Remember “Fight Club” movie?.  I am sure that for a large number of people it has become a cult and probably many even tried to organize something similar with their school friends after school. But boys grew up, matured, got a good job … and realized that they lacked something.  They were not attracted by the routine fate of an office worker and life according to the “home-work-home” scheme.  They were desperately looking for a place where you can get an adrenaline rush for a month in advance and chat with like-minded people who are tired of “vegetables”.  And so “White Collar Fights” project was created.

Naturally, for this event, a more gentle format was invented, closer to civilized competitions rather than to uncontrolled scuffle.  The format of the project is extremely simple and is somewhat reminiscent of the American Ultimate Fighter with the only difference that the heroes of the show are the most ordinary people who are not professional fighters.