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Creating a rock garden
Home and Garden

Creating a rock garden

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Rock gardens are very simple to create and as a bonus is also extremely eco-friendly making them a great gardening asset to learn about. Even better, rock gardens are extremely low maintenance once they are done.

One easy way to start is to gather a pile of dirt that is lying around in the yard somewhere. If you do not have a large amount of dirt, purchase some from a local store. The charm of the rock garden is that once you place it you will never have to invest much money into it again making the one time investment well worth it.

After laying dirt down across the garden, purchase some stones to create a path to the doorway of the house or simply to add in an aesthetic design. After this, the only thing left to do is grab some great ground covers that are going to creep across the rock garden slowly.

The best thing about choosing ground cover that is hardy and weedy is that it does not need any maintenance what so ever. Regular watering at first is required in order to help it get established, but after that it will maintain itself. Creeping thyme, sedums, and creeping Jenny are all excellent choices to get started with.

Of course, when picking out ground covers for a rock garden consumers need to think about what will work in their yard considering factors such as sun or shade, native or not, aggressive, or simple and well kept. There are some excellent native plants such as prairie crocus that really stand out because they are early bloomers. These easily can add a bit of color to a rock garden and only need to be planted once before they become fully rooted for years.