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Little Code to Learn More About a Vehicle

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Not every car owner knows about the purpose of the English abbreviation VIN on the nameplate of the car. Many do not distinguish the VIN number from the body number.

Information about the VIN code of your vehicle

To identify the vehicle, American engineers came up with the idea of assigning own number. Each car is assigned a unique number that is not repeated on other cars. Any car can be accurately and quickly identified by this number.

The information is encrypted according to the international rules ISO 3779 in the VIN. To have all the information about the car, for example, when buying, it is enough to use VIN decoder to decrypt 17 letters and digits of the code.

person with his car
Image by Unsplash+

The VIN code is divided into 3 separate sections:

  1. The WMI section includes three signs with the index of the car manufacturer (country, manufacturer, division).
  2. VDS section contains information about the characteristics of the car; it is encoded in six characters.
  3. Section VIS includes eight characters with model year information, assembly plant code and serial number in turn on the conveyor.

Where is the VIN code located?

As a rule, manufacturers apply the code in hard-to-reach places of the car:

  • on the dashboard by the wind shield;
  • on the frame near the front door;
  • on the engine;
  • on the left wheel arch;
  • on the radiator;
  • on the steering column.
photo of speedometer
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Checks by VIN-code

You can use VIN lookup to learn the following:

  • data about all car owners;
  • information about an accident involving a car;
  • information available to regulatory authorities.

Using a VIN code makes it easier for car owners and sellers, firstly, to accurately select unique spare parts for cars, and secondly, to choose a reliable model, make and engine capacity.

After reading the VIN code of any car, you can find out all the detailed information that is required when buying or selling.