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Apps For Microsoft Surface Pro to Enhance Business

Apps For Microsoft Surface Pro to Enhance Business

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You will not find better costumer-oriented devices than those offered on iOS and Android. Nevertheless, when it comes to business-oriented models, Surface Pro 3 is the best one. It is probably the most powerful professional-grade tablet to use for business purposes. So here are the best apps you can add to your tablet to enhance your business.

1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is one of the best business apps you can find. You can install it both on your smartphone and computer. What is more, note that the Surface Pro 3 version provides you with the power of the desktop one but in a far more portable edition. To learn more about the app, contact Dynamics CRM consulting by Tricension.

2. Invoice 360

If you want to turn your Surface Pro 3 into a real sales platform, consider installing Invoice 360 app. The app allows generating invoices quickly and easily. It includes a great number of useful templates, features PDF support and print previews before finalizing. What is more, you can take it anywhere you want.

3. Datazen Mobile

As Jira and Trello are the best tools for developers, Datazen Mobile is the best for your business to create graphs, tables, or charts you need from real-time sources. This app knows how to crunch numbers and is definitely a must-have for every business.

4. Boardpad

Boardpad was created to meet the needs of business managers and it actually does its best. It provides quick access to vital information for operations reducing needless paper shuffling and allowing extensive notetaking by voice or hand.

5. Eclipse Manager

This app provides its users with a simple yet powerful project management system. One of the best things about this highly-intuitive app is that it is free, so you can simply download and install it to your Software For Surface Pro 3.