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Money Saving Tips for Building a House

Money Saving Tips for Building a House

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Most people across the globe envision the day when they can stop paying rent and own a house. When constructing your dream home from scratch, in most cases you will need a large budget. Luckily experts from have shared some money saving tips you can consider before getting down to business:

1. Visit many houses

You should plan to spend some weekends driving around and visiting homes. Take photos, make notes on how you feel about the construction, what you like and don’t like about them. Choosing to change things halfway through are the single most costly blunders many people make. Even if you have already picked out your building company, you should visit model homes by several builders. It is your home, and the contractor works for you, so do not hesitate to ask for features which their competitors are incorporating into their houses.

2. Get features, fixtures and extras

The cost of everything is negotiable. Want a certain tile? Check various local or online stores before committing to the builder’s cost. If you have specific cabinets or hardware in mind, look at local discount cabinetry stores to determine if you can save some extra money. Usually, if you come across cabinets at a discount store, your builder will come and choose for you, saving you a headache. This alone can yield you substantial savings in just a couple of minutes of your time.

3. Coupon codes

Came across something you like at a discount online? Before you hit “Place Your Order”, you should look for coupon codes for that site by opening a new browser. Usually, you can get one that provides you with an extra discount on top of the currently low cost; and 99% of the time you can get free shipping.

4. Do a bit of DIY

Usually, if you cannot get the exact doors and cabinets you want finished, you can get them stained yourself. Stain cans are very low-cost, and applying stain to wood is easy. If you have never stained before, you can go online and check YouTube or consult a friend, before starting out on your own.

5. Determine what’s essential and stick to the plan

You should have lots of discussions with your partner before even meeting with an architect to determine what features, colors, or style speak to you. Give yourself time to make a decision and try not to change it on an impulse, since changing up the design can be extremely expensive.