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Robert Francis Kennedy Junior and his opinion about Air America Radio

Image by Samuel Morazan from Pixabay

Robert Francis Kennedy Junior is an American radio host, environmental activist, writer, and lawyer with a specialization in environmental law. Kennedy, along with Mike Papantonio, was the co-host of “Ring of fire” program, which was broadcast on the Air America Radio; despite the fact that Kennedy has a spasmodic dysphonia, a disorder that leads to a shaky voice and speech hard to distinguish. Air America is a talk radio network, which suffered for a long time and at last stopped working due to the complicated economic situation.

Charlie Kireker, who was Air America’s Media president said in an announcement that the radio network will file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy “in order to implement an orderly winding-down of the business.” In a turbulent time for the advertising-focused media process, “our everlasting seeking for new investors was somehow successful several times until then, but conclusive failed,” Mr. Kireker commented. The closure was obvious. Air America, which started operations some years ago and has a hundred affiliated stations, has developed with the help of different managers and has never caught its commercial footing. For the first time it was close to the in 2006, but was able to survive. “The thing is, this has often been a very complex business scheme and it has never been properly managed,” said Sam Seder, who worked as a host on a radio broadcast until its conclusion.