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Why Artificial Grass for a Playground is Better than Other Surfaces

Photo by Marius Karotkis on Unsplash

When we talk about children, nothing is more important than their safety and health. When it comes to choosing the perfect playground surface, the safety and health of children is our number one concern.

The main advantages and possibilities of artificial grass

One way to take care of a set of recommendations for safety, sustainability, comfort and ease of use in one go is with a super-safe and value-for-money playing surface – artificial grass for lawn renewing.

Multifunctionality and aesthetics

Of the many options for playground surfaces, both natural and artificial (sand, mulch, rubber, and even natural grass), none of them can match the functionality and ease of use of artificial grass.

person on the playground with fake grass
Photo by Elmer Cañas on Unsplash

Traditional landscaping options do not fully meet the requirements of permanent safety. Mulch or sand surfaces degrade over time and become less safe. For example, areas with heavy foot traffic (around roundabouts, under swings, or at a slide landing site) tend to dislodge material, exposing the hard ground underneath.

Rubber coated playgrounds are not the best solution

Rubber coated playgrounds provide better protection. However, these surfaces can create many other problems. For example, in summer they absorb heat, and in winter they can become hard and brittle, compromising the integrity of the coating, which in turn is unsafe.

Artificial grass is what you need

Artificial grass for lawn makeover is the only playground surface that offers approved safety standards in high traffic areas, in all weathers, at all heights and under all types of playground equipment.

Photo by Oakville News on Unsplash

A big plus to all of the above is the flawless appearance of beautiful green grass, often indistinguishable from natural grass. Therefore, you can often see examples of design experiments with options for combining natural and artificial grass for lawn renovation in one project.