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The perfect plants to grow to attract and thus protect bees
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The perfect plants to grow to attract and thus protect bees

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There has been news going round about the death of numerous bee colonies. People have also been informed about how such deaths affect humanity and the environment at large. If you want to grasp the manner in which this affects everything, here is how; if there are no bees, it means there would be no pollination, which means plants cannot bear fruit or have fertilised fruits, which means plants die out.

Ultimately, it affects humans because there would be no food. The major causes of these massive deaths of bees are increased use of pest control methods, fertilizers, weed control methods and climatic changes. Do you want to do something to save humanity? If yes, you should start by making a bee-friendly garden irrespective of the size.

Obviously, you are going to grow plants based on the size of your garden. For instance, it would be illogical to grow fruit-trees on a tiny garden! In such cases, plant something that requires less space. You have numerous options when selecting ideal plants.

Herbs are perfect for small gardens like a balcony. These include lavender, borage, mint, asters, zinnias, hyacinth, and geraniums. For a medium sized garden, herbs would also fit perfectly well. You may also add a few other plants like raspberries, strawberries, butterfly bushes, honeysuckle and sunflowers.

If you have a large garden, all the above plus many others can fit well. Some of the other plants you can have to attract bees include golden rain, magnolia, willows, maples and sycamore.

Since some methods of weed and pest control are harmful to bees, you should consider using a different approach. Ideally, this should be something that is not harmful to humans and the bees; if anything has any negative risk to a bee, it will be a threat to you as well.

Alternatively, you can start using organic insecticides that are free from harmful chemicals. If you want to be effective in pest control, you can use alternative methods. For instance, you can use biological control methods like planting some plants that repel pests. Some common repellents include garlic and spearmint.