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Preventing Mishaps on Stair Treads
Home and Garden

Preventing Mishaps on Stair Treads

Image by Peter H from Pixabay

Steps are one of the most abused of the stairway. This is not a surprise, given that this others name for it is the “first step”, so there are no limits kicked with half a foot each day. It is also to ensure their safe operation is a must for every home or office. After all, you feel that much of accidents in the stairwell. Here is some simple but effective way to prevent accidents with rungs of the ladder:

A good start is to make sure that your ladder sturdy enough to withstand constant abuse and pressure because it is the largest weight, which is more stairs. Investing in the scale actions are sustainable and ensure the safety of the stairs.

Start with your hardware. If you use a wooden staircase and a ladder that is made entirely of wood, it’s better with wood from a reliable supplier of stair parts/accessories. If you use concrete or steel, is also a good way to have a safe driver and permanent. Remember to keep well. Be careful when you need to be repaired.

You do not have small children at home? After installing some anti-slip should. These measures are a non-slip surface that provides traction when you step on them. Leisure and supporting documents must be significantly reduced if they are used. In addition, he leaves nothing out there by the stairs. Things like toys and carpets must be kept away from the stairs. If it makes you feel, you can also install stair gates. You can set up at the top and bottom of the stairs. This is your baby unattended on measures to prevent their use.

Shine land use on the rungs of the ladder is a bad idea because it only increases the likelihood of landslides. Ladders should be completely secure. When it comes to maintenance, simply disappearing down the stairs, ramps, and handrails is just to keep the dust. We must have the effect of high brightness in the handrail or in bars.