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An oriental tale for your home
Home and Garden

An oriental tale for your home

Photo ID 173401064 by ©pierivb /

The interior and exterior of the house reflect the personality of the owner.  Each homeowner strives to make his home cozy and unique.  Would you like to add some oriental flavor to your home?  It’s easy to do with moroccan furniture and décor items.  Bright fabrics, ethnic patterns … This is the magic of the east! 

You can buy metal chandeliers and patterned door panels, pillows, and rugs, luxurious mirrors, unusual floor tiles … All items are authentic.  This is not mass production, but handmade.

You can decorate one of the rooms in Moroccan style.  For example, it can be a kitchen where traditional pottery, tagines, jugs, mosaic tiles will look organic.  Or would you like a bedroom with an oriental flavor?  Luxurious beds, ottomans, colorful carpets, handmade by craftsmen from Morocco. There’s enough scope for the imagination.

If you want to add oriental tales to your life, this style is for you.